Emilien Veret “Clarinettes urbaines”

Clarinettes urbaines

Do you know Emilien Veret? No? Let me introduce him: he is a french clarinetist in Paris, and has a great project: “Clarinettes urbaines”, which means “urban clarinets” in French (easy, isn’t it?) He plays the Bb clarinet and the bass clarinet, and also beatboxes! He uses loop pedals to create his jazz-world-electro-classical-and-many-other-music-styles-inspired compositions and…


Carrot clarinet!

Incredible but true! Clarinets can be built from almost everything, the proof in this video: Linsey Pollak, an australian instrument maker, makes and plays a carrot clarinet! He makes other instruments, too, like watering can clarinets, rubber glove bagpipes, garden hose contrabass clarinets! See more on youtube. Obviously, what makes a clarinet is not the…


Modes of limited transposition

Olivier Messiaen

Olivier Messiaen Here are new exercises for advanced clarinetists : the modes of limited tranposition, compiled by french composer Olivier Messiaen. For further information about these modes, please visit Wikipedia. Practicing these modes on the clarinet is very useful: when playing Messiaen’s music, you will be already familiar with his way of composing,other composers, like…


Intervals based on the chromatic scale

Here are some advanced technical exercises for the clarinet, based on the chromatic scale. We are going to explore all intervals while ascending or descending a chromatic scale: minor seconds, major seconds, minor thirds, major thirds, perfect fourths, diminished fifths, perfect fifths, minor sixths, major sixths, minor sevenths, major sevenths and perfect octaves. Obviously, you…