I started playing the clarinet at age 7 in a music school in Auvergne (center of France), then at the “Conservatoire National de Région” in Clermont-Ferrand. My teacher there was Béatrice Berne. Then I moved to Paris and worked with great french clarinetists Florent Héau and Michel Arrignon.

At the same time, I regularly went to summer camps with great french clarinetists, such as Jean-François Verdier, Arnaud Leroy, Romain Guyot, Jacques Di Donato or Jérôme Julien-Laferrière.

From 2003 to 2005, I studied in CeFEdeM (Centre de Formation des Enseignants de la Musique) near Paris. I graduated with my degree in clarinet teaching.

I teached for 10 years in Paris and around, and I am now clarinet teacher in the Conservatoire of Saint-Claude (Jura, France).

As a performer, chamber music is what I like the most, but playing in various orchestras is a great experience too!

Le quatuor de clarinettes Turbulences

I’m a founding member of french clarinet quartet “Turbulences”, and I joined the “Ensemble de clarinettes du Jura” in 2015. I play Eb and Bb clarinets there.

I regularly make transcriptions for clarinet ensembles, you can freely download some of them on this website. And since 2015, 4 of my arrangements have been published by Klarthe.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Bonjour. We are from America, now living in Clermont-Ferrand. My fifteen year old daughter plays the clarinet and needs a teacher here. Do you teach? Can you recommend a clarinetist to teach my daughter?

    1. Hi Susanne, I teach, but in Saint-Claude, 300km from Clermont-Ferrand 😉
      For your daughter, you should go to the Conservatoire Chabrier (info on https://clermont-ferrand.fr/crr) and ask if she could have her clarinet lessons here, or, if not possible, if they know any teacher who could be interested. I can also give you contacts of clarinet teachers I know in the Clermont-Fd area, let me know!

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